Friday, October 23, 2009

the Savages

So I was tossing up between a few films to get for the week, but I have been really into the T.V show Dexter lately, so I could only spring for one actual movie. I can't remember what the other ones where to be honest, but I just saw Philip Seymour Hoffman on this cover and was sold.

I got home last night and wasn't really in  the mood to watch a whole movie but I wasn't tired enough to sleep. So I figured I have to take it back soon and may not get another chance so begrudgingly I sat down and pushed play, and before I knew it, it was finished. It's not that often that I will be watching a movie and be so into it and captivated by it that it could of just kept going and I would be non the wiser

It follows the story of an elderly man, Lenny Savage (Philip Bosco) who, after his long term girlfriend passes away, and after a few incidents of unexplained behavioral issues, he is diagnosed with dementia. His two estranged middle aged children Wendy (Laura Linney) and Jon (Philip Seymour Hoffman) are left to deal with the situation. Bringing him out of the perfect retirement city Sun City, Arizona, Lenny is non-the-wiser brought to the cold and snowy city of Buffalo, NY and placed in a retirement home close to Jon. Wendy, going through a semi-mid life crises decides to stay with Jon and help keep an eye on her father, as Jon deals with his own life issues.

It is superb direction by writer and director Tamara Jenkins (Slums of Beverly Hills). Respectfully earning herself and Acadamy Award nomination for the film and alongside Laura Linney (Wendy) for the same film. It was subtly comical with a heart wrenching performance by all that just made you want to jump into the screen, give them a hug and lend a hand.

Great film by a great cast. 4.5 stars out of 5
peace and love friends.

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